cathodic protection system for offshore platforms and structures

Easy To Install


Increase Design Life

All offshore structures, including platforms, require a comprehensive, ongoing plan to mitigate corrosion caused by the seawater environment. Over time and as the structures age, the original sacrificial cathodic protection systems require refurbishment in order to extend the useful life of the structure. This life extension requirement can range from 5 to 20 years


A cathodic protection system such as the LIDA® TSA™ (Tensioned String Anode) is comprised of mixed metal oxide (MMO) anodes, assembled on a mechanical supporting rope,  that can be specifically designed to deliver the performance needed to extend the life of any offshore structure. 

Discover more about LIDA® TSA™


  • Bespoke solution designed to perfectly match the design requirements
  • Ease of installation reduces cost of cathodic protection system
  • Greater savings in high depth installations (up to 120 m)
  • Current output is easily adjusted
  • Fewer anodes required due to high current density design
  • High-quality standard materials and workmanship in ISO 9000 certified factory
  • A twenty-year history of successful cathodic protection installations in platforms in water depth ranging from 15 to 120 meters